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Sexual Harassment of women has now become very frequent and it should never be tolerated. This shows or tends to express the over – powering of men over women showing superiority.

NRI Women sexually harassed in office

Sexual Harassment of women has now become very frequent and it should never be tolerated. This shows or tends to express the over – powering of men over women showing superiority. In Indian society, patriarchy is ingrained in its roots and will take centuries to demolish it. But since for this we cannot let women everywhere face discrimination and abuse. To decrease such harassment against women various laws and provisions have been legislated and enacted by the government of India. The crime of sexual harassment is a deadly evil against women in the developing nation. Various Acts have been enacted to specifically look into the sexual abuse faced by women which decreases their dignity, voyeurism, stalking and other serious offences which violates a women’s respect and integrity. For cases against such offences, it is highly advised to consult the best lawyers in the field. Adv. Bindu Dubey is one of the finest advocates for NRI in India who has a great knowledge about all the laws and Acts including the POSH Act which deals with penalties and offences done against women and remedies for them. Adv. Bindu will support the victim in all means available she will also take care of all the paperwork and will provide the client with various options and choices to move forward with the case.

In the developing India it is great to see many women also entering the work force and are doing really good and equal to men. They have become an essential part in the labour force. So more than ever it became necessary for the government to implement laws to protect women in their work place where they can work safely and freely. After the case of ‘Vishaka Vs. State of Rajasthan.’ The Act of SEXUAL HARASSMENT OF WOMEN AT WORKPLACE PREVENTION, PROHIBITION AND REDRESSAL ACT OF 2013 was drafted and enacted. These are the measures which protects women in employment. It prevents people from treating women in an intimidating manner and gives them basic rights to protect themselves. This Act also mandates the employer to protect the women employees and them and their company will be held liable if the modesty of any women is affected. With respect to this Act, it has been stated that every company will have an internal and external complaint committee which will collect the complaints and look in to the issue. If the employer violates all these laws, then they will be forced to pay fine of fifty thousand by the courts.The employer should also pay compensation to the aggrieved women.

Can a NRI Woman take action against sexual harassment in India?

A survey conducted by the national bar association has revealed how six thousand plus women have faced sexual harassment in their workplace and almost sixty eight percent of them do not file complaint. Almost twenty five percent of multinational companies are seen to not have complied with the sexual harassment Act of 2013. Due to these various female employees who come from other countries also face sexual harassment. There was a case where an NRI women filed a case against her Boss who has been sexually assaulting her. The women stated that he not only assaulted her in India when she worked for him but also followed her to Australia and sexually abused her. The Indian courts filed a case against the accused under Indian Penal Code for offences of Rape, Hurt, cheating and criminal intimidation. Therefore, if any NRI women face sexual harassment in workplace it will be analysed and dealt accordingly by taking provisions from various Act and laws such as Indian Penal Code, Code of criminal procedure, POSH Act, Sexual Harassment of women at workplace Act of 2013 etc. All these laws will be applicable for NRI women as well. 

The Government of India has also established various committees and organisations which look into the domestic and work place abuse, violence, intimidation faced by women. One such committee is the National commission for women. Under this there is an NRI cell which looks into the grievances and redressal of women who come from another country to India. This can be women who marry in India or work in India coming from a foreign nation. This committee will look into the overseas Indian affairs as well. The main measure is the POSH Act which has laid down all the penalties and ways to handle the evil crime.

Sexual harassment anywhere should never be tolerated. The victims must feel free and confident to approach any lawyer for help. Adv. Bindu Dubey is one of the finest POSH Act lawyer in Mumbai who will take into consideration the grievances of NRI women as well and will work to bring justice to them. She will analyse the case and will also take care of the paperwork and will win the case for the client. 

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